Saras SpA is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 2006. We have always been actively committed to ensuring clear communication with the financial community of national and international analysts, institutional investors and retail shareholders.
We see financial communication as a cornerstone in building a trust relationship with market operators and the business community.
The Investor Relations Department fosters continuous dialogue with the national and international financial community, with the task of providing the market with a complete, clear, timely quantitative and qualitative representation of the business management strategies and results, so as to ensure a correct assessment of the Group and its assets.
In order to regularly reach all stakeholders, we hold quarterly webcasts and conference calls, live and open to the public, presenting the financial results, and we make the full transcriptions of these events available on our website along with all the detailed presentations.
Indeed, we are firmly convinced that the transparency, regularity and completeness of the financial communication is not only a regulatory obligation but also a way to satisfy the needs for information for stakeholders, to generate trust and value, and to guarantee business sustainability.
Investor Relations Office e-mail address:
- email:
- Ph.: +39 02 773 7642 (for investors and financial analysts)