CEO and General Manager
Franco Balsamo
Franco Balsamo, after a degree in business economics from the Bocconi University, started his career in Italian financial institutions (Mediobanca and Gruppo IMI) and international financial institutions (Barclays Bank and Credit Commercial de France).
In 1995 he joined the Montedison Group, as Head of Finance of Fondiaria Assicurazioni, and subsequently of Montedison, and from 2002 to 2011 of Edison.
Subsequently he engaged in advisory activity as an independent and as a senior advisor of Vitale Associati.
In 2013 he joined ACEA Group as Chief Financial Officer, and he held this role until September 2015.
In 2015 he joined the Saras Group as CFO, in March 2023 he was appointed General Manager and in May 2023 he was appointed Deputy CEO.
On June 18th, 2024, he was appointed CEO and General Manager.
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General Counsel & Corporate Affairs
Simona Berri
Ms. Berri graduated with a degree in Law from University of Cagliari, and completed postgraduate courses of civil law, criminal law and administrative law with the aim to prepare for the selections to become a Public Judge. Moreover, Ms Berri obtained a licence to practice law.
Until 1999 she practiced as a civil lawyer, and also acted as honorary judge at the Civil Court of Cagliari. Starting from 1999 Ms. Berri worked with various companies of the Saras Group. Currently she is Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs and she is Member of the Board and Member of the Supervisory Bodies of several Companies of the Saras Group.
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Chief New Initiatives & Renewables Officer
Enrico Giglioli
Enrico Giglioli joined Saras in July 2023 and is now Chief New Initiatives and Renewables Officer.
Before joining Saras, he worked as C level Executive in the energy, infrastructure, renewables and cleantech industries.
He has also been partner of leading strategic management firms working on energy and industrial industry in Italy, Europe and South east Asia.
He advised a leading European private equity firm for entering renewables energy sector in Italy.
Enrico holds a master in finance degree from London Business School and an engineering degree from Milan Politecnico.
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Chief Constraints Officer, Procurement & Cyber Security
Vincenzo Greco
Vincenzo Greco graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Palermo.
In 2011 Mr. Greco joined Saras, as Asset Management Director. From 2013 to 2017 he was appointed Sarlux CEO, of which currently is member of the Board of Directors.
In 2017 he was appointed Industrial Operations Manager, in 2018 Chief Security ICT & Procurement Officer and in 2022 Chief ICT, Procurement & Corporate General Services Officer. He currently holds the office of Chief Constraints Officer, Procurement & Cyber Security.
Mr. Greco gained a long experience in Esso Italiana (ExxonMobil Group) - where, after growing assignment, in 1999 he took role of Manager of distribution of aviation fuels for the EMEA area. In 2005 Mr. Greco worked for IES S.p.A. (MOL Group) as Deputy Director, and subsequently as Refinery Director and member of the Board of Directors.
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Chief Industrial Officer
Carlo Guarrata
He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Palermo.
In 2017 Mr Guarrata joined the Saras Group as Sarlux CEO, a role he’s still holding, and from 2019 he is Chief Industrial Operations Officer.
He gained a long and rich experience in the ENI Group, initially at the Gela refinery, where, held various roles in the Production field, until in 2009 when he was appointed Technical Manager and then at the Taranto Refinery as Refinery Manager until 2013. He came back to Gela as General Manager and Chief Executive Officer, and starting from 2015 was in charge of Corporate Health, Safety, Environment and Quality, at ENI Rome office.
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Chief Financial Officer
Fabio Peretti
Fabio Peretti, after a degree in Engineering and an MBA from SDA Bocconi School of Management, gained a significant experience in the Oil sector.
On May 1st he was appointed CFO. He has been with Saras since 2016 and he held the position of Head of Budgeting & Controlling, reporting directly to the Group CFO. He has been responsible for planning and control activities, managing the preparation of budgets and industrial plans and carrying out final accounting and variance analysis activities, as well as collaborating in the definition of the strategy and in the presentation to the financial markets.
Previously he worked eight years in the Energy practice of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) serving most of the Italian energy companies and gaining significant experience also in M&A and business development.
He started his career in the energy field in 2001 at Saipem.
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Chief People and Transformation Officer
Patrizia Radice
Graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico University of Milan.
She currently holds the position of Chief People and Transformation Officer. Since 2019 she held the office of Chief Human Resources Officer of the Saras Group and she is member of the Board of Director of Sarlux Srl.
She comes from a long experience gained in Alcatel-Lucent, where she assumed increasing responsibilities in Human Resources up to the position of Director HR South & Central Europe. After the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent by Nokia, she continued her path in the HR management of the Nokia Group in Italy and abroad, holding the position of Head of Human Resources Central & South Europe and Italy Human Resources Head.
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