Our Commitments

Our Commitments

The Group has a business model that integrates social and environmental aspects in its core business and a Purpose, which has always shaped its strategy, that is to be innovative, sustainable and the benchmark for energy suppliers.

Our core beliefs


In the pursuit of sustainable development, the Group has defined medium-term objectives for environmental, social and governance aspects and has approved a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for 2023 in order to set improvement targets and measure progress in each of the identified areas.


ESG 2023 Targets

ESG Key Performance
Indicators - KPIs
Unit of Measure Average 2020-2022 Targets 2023 Actual Results FY 2023 Comments
E CO2 emissions (per kton of crude oil + complementary fillers processed) ton/
440 - 5% vs. Average 2020-22 (425) 414.6 The FY result surpassed the target, particularly considering the optimized plant performance, despite the challenging cycle of maintenance and turnaround activities successfully completed during the year.
E SO2 and NOx emissions (per kton of crude oil + complementary fillers processed ton/
0.427 Stabile vs. Target
2022(< 0.450)
0.410 SO2 emissions of 2637ton + NOx emissions of 2911ton. Goal Achieved
E Clients avoided SOx emissions
(clients purchasing VLSFO 0.5%S vs. HSFO 3.5%S)
37.0 +15% vs. Target 2022>
40kton SOx avoided
(680kton VLSFO)
56.4 FY result better than Target, thanks to the excellent commercial performance (FY2023 VLSFO bunker sales via barge + cargo market equal to 940 kton), and also the ten-year IGCC stop has shifted processing to LS, with greater VLSFO production availability
E Refinery Consumption and Losses (as % of crude oil + total charges) Processed) % 5.98% Stabile vs. Target 2022
5.47% Better result than Target, with effective plant set-ups (despite the shutdowns made during the year
E Raw water consumption by regional consortium vs. total site water demand) % 28.1% Stabile vs. Target 2022
(< 30%)
28.85% Better-than-target result. Withdrawal from CASIC (5,991,252 cubic meters) lower than last year's value (6,277,376 cubic meters). Lower site water requirements, resulting from the reduction of sea water withdrawal (T/A IGCC with Torre, Acciona and DAM stops).
E Waste output from Ecotec vs. total waste produced by Sarlux % 14.8% -20% vs. Target 2022 (< 20%) 11.0% Improved result of the target, thanks to the important contribution of the Thermo-Dryer which significantly reduces volumes
E Co-processing of vegetable oils at Sarlux desulphurisation plants kton/
41.7 +50% vs. Target 2022
(> 45kton)
35.3 Lower result than the Target. In fact, in 2023 the processing of vegetable oils has been reduced due to the economic context (cost vegoil vs. gasoil)
E Electricity Production from Renewable Sources
GWh 252.4 +15% vs. Media 2020-22
(> 290 GWh)
298.1 A better result than the Target, thanks to the second half of the year, which recorded excellent windiness, especially at the Ulassai site
S Diffusion of wearable DSA for Sarlux site staff # of Tools 120 Increased DSA diffusion
(200 instruments)
200 In line with the target. In the second half of 2023, 50 BL portable devices were purchased for the DSA project, bringing the total to 200 instruments
S Sarlux Accident Frequency Index + third-party companies working in Sarlux #injuries* Mln / #hours_worked 2.86 New Target set comprising third-party companies (< 2.9) 2.25 8 Sarlux accidents + 4 third-party companies working in Sarlux
S Safety remarks (BBS) at the Sarlux site # of BBS Comments 19,220 Stable vs. Stable
Average 2020-22
(about 20,000)
20.099 Result in line with the target, thanks to the training of new observers
S Direct impact in Sardinia (Group employee salaries + Goods & Services from local suppliers + Taxes paid locally) EUR Mln 443 465 (+5% vs. 2020-22 average) Growth from recovery in investments and salaries 719M€ This value is well above the target, mainly due to the tax revenue paid in Sardinia, which in 2023 amounted to €533M (due to the extraordinary economic result achieved in 2022)
S Gender Diversity among the Group's Graduates %women 30.7% Stable vs.
Target 2022
30% Result in line with target
S Group Employee Training hours/year 42,544 approx. 28,000 34.007 Better-than-target result
S Welfare - activation of the new program for Group employees Yes/No n/a Target 90%
Group employees
95.8% The service was activated on April 1, 2023, and the indicator is calculated from the date of activation
G Incentives for Top Management linked to ESG objectives ESG-Linked
Bonus %/Total Bonus
n/a > 15% 20% Better-than-target result, and aligned with multi-sector best practices; recognized as an important Governance objective by ESG Rating Agencies and Stakeholders, for aligning and incentivizing Top Management towards Sustainable Development
G Internal audits carried out by Quality Management System (QMS) and Internal Audit (IA) functions # of audits 52 Stable vs. Target 2022
54 Better-than-target result. 53 audits carried out by Internal Audit (IA) + 11 audits carried out by Quality Management System (QMS)
G "Climate Change" and "Water Security" questionnaires organized by CDP on an annual basis Yes/No Yes Saras ratings better than or equal to "B" Climate = B;
Water = B
Based on the scores assigned by CDP on 6 February 2024, Saras achieved a "B" rating for both "Climate Change" and "Water Security" aspects
G "ESG ratings" assigned to the Saras Group by Moody's V.E., Sustainalytics, MSCI, and S&P Global Delta Offset %
n/a Saras Ratings > 3% of the industry average 29% Analyzed and provided feedback on Sustainalytics and MSCI Ratings, achieving significant improvements (Sustainalytics from 31.8 to 26.5; MSCI from 4.9 to 5.6 and upgrade to letter A). In addition, the S&P Global Rating has also been revised (improved from 44 to 51). Finally, in an unsolicited manner, the Moody's Vigeo Eiris Rating was updated (improved from 44 to 45)
G ESG Supply Chain Monitoring % of suppliers monitored n/a Sarlux supplier ESG monitoring (70% of suppliers - 50% responses) 100% suppliers
57% feedback
Better-than-target result: specifically, 333 questionnaires were sent, to 100% of suppliers subject to new qualification or retention. A total of 190 responses were received, which corresponds to 57% of qualified suppliers.
G Monitoring by the "Sustainability Committee" # of meetings in which Sustainability topics are discussed 4 Increased to 5 5 Result in line with the target. Sustainability issues were addressed and examined at the meetings held on: 30 January; 06 March; May 10; July 24; 31 October