Founded in May 1962 by Angelo Moratti with the name S.A.RA.S. (Società Anonima Raffinerie Sarde) the Group has evolved over time changing its operating model and competence areas with the aim of creating value, while paying attention to the environment and innovating. Today the Saras Group is one of the leading independent players in the European energy and refining industry.
Among the top 10 Italian industrial groups, third economic reality in the Oil & Gas sector, largest company in Sardinia.
The heart of the Group is represented by the Sarroch industrial site located in a strategic position on the south-western coast of Sardinia, more precisely south-west of Cagliari; it is a reference model in terms of efficiency and environmental sustainability, thanks to the know-how developed over about 60 years in the business. The site is home to one of the largest refineries in the Mediterranean in terms of production capacity (about 15 million tonnes per year, equal to 300 thousand barrels per day), and also one of the most advanced in terms of plant complexity.
of annual refining capacity
of total Italian refining capacity
Nelson complexity index equal to 11.7
Saras business model is based on the integration of its supply chain, through close coordination between refinery operations and commercial activities. This also includes the subsidiary Saras Trading, which has been operating in Geneva since the beginning of 2016 and engages in the purchase of crude oils and other raw materials, the sale of finished products and trading activities, operating in one of the world’s leading markets for trading in oil commodities.
Saras directly and through its subsidiaries, sells and distribute mainly oil products such as diesel, gasoline, heating oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), virgin naphtha, jet and bunker fuel, mainly on the Italian and Spanish markets, but also in other European and non-European countries.
In 2023, approximately 3.21 million tonnes of oil products were sold in Italy and Spain through the retail and wholesale networks.
At the beginning of 2000, the refining business was accompanied by the production and sale of electricity through the start-up of an IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) plant, which is one of the largest of its kind in world. The Sarroch IGCC has an installed capacity of 575MW and covers about 42% of Sardinia’s electricity needs.
of Sardinia’s electricity needs
IGCC installed capacity
Also in Sardinia, the Group produces and sells electricity from renewable sources, through three wind farms managed by the subsidiaries Sardeolica Srl, Energia Alternativa Srl and Energia Verde Srl located in Sardinia, for a total installed capacity totalling 171 MW.
of wind installed capacity
of CO2 emissions avoided thanks
to the electricity produced from renewable sources