Saras Group Policy for the Protection of Human Rights


The Saras Group has always based its way of operating on full respect for human rights and fundamental human freedoms, in line with the founding principles of the European Union".

The Policy for the Protection of Human Rights applies to all companies in the Group, which safeguard the dignity and rights of the people with whom they work, enhance the development of skills, and recognize diversity as a resource. Furthermore, the Group promotes respect for these values ​​also along the supply chain of goods and services necessary for the activities of each of the controlled companies and contributes, directly and indirectly, to the well-being of the communities in which it carries out its activities.

Among the external references from which the Saras Group's Policy for the Protection of Human Rights derives, the main ones are the «Constitution of the Italian Republic», the «UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights», the «Fundamental Conventions of the International Organization of Labor (ILO)”, the “EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR- General Data Protection Regulation)”, the “Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and fight against corruption”.

The document, which can be downloaded in full at the bottom of this page, is divided into a first section relating to "Working Practices", which expresses the ways in which Saras respects and protects human rights and fundamental freedoms; followed by a second section dedicated to the Saras model, based on development in harmony with the environment and local communities, inspired by principles of precaution, prevention, protection and continuous improvement.